Marine Mammal Commission

Survey of Federally Funded Research

Marine Mammal Commission


Numerous federal departments and agencies conduct or support research and management of marine mammals and their habitats. The Marine Mammal Commission is requesting information from those departments and agencies to determine the scope and level of federal funding of marine mammal research to assess ways in which efforts can best be coordinated and used to further marine mammal conservation. The Commission is conducting this survey as part of its duties under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (Sec. 202(a)(2) and Sec. 205). The results will be a resource for federal agencies as they plan their research and management strategies, seek to avoid duplication of effort, and identify opportunities to partner and share data with other agencies. The FY 2024 data call is open from October 8, 2024 to January 31, 2025.

This online survey allows federal researchers and project managers to enter pertinent information directly into the Commission’s database, facilitating data entry and analysis. Respondents will be able to review and edit any of their data entries. Furthermore, data visualization tools have been added to the system to improve data accessibility and usability for agency survey respondents. Summary statistics will be posted on the Commission's website. Public access is only to the Commission’s website pages.

The Commission’s scientific staff has sought to make the survey as clear and straightforward as possible. If you have questions, please contact the Commission at We welcome all comments and suggestions on the survey and its format.

Thank you for helping the Commission complete the survey.

Peter O. Thomas, Ph.D.
Executive Director